Narcissism is ubiquitous and altogether unavoidable in modern-day society, with 24% of people being pathologically narcissistic and another roughly 25% pulling heavy narcissistic tendencies, that's 1/2 of the population, with just under half of us coming in with a secure attachment...


Basically, it's everywhere, and it's epidemic. It's part of the human condition, so don't feel bad if you have an insecure attachment type and you know you pull some tendencies. As long as you're aware, can self-reflect, and want to change, grow, and evolve, there's still hope for you. More likely you take too much responsibility and overcompensate.


We all could benefit from becoming more aware of our own narcissistic tendencies and their impact on others, even though the reason you're most likely reading this is that you've fallen victim to someone who falls in one of the above categories, in which case, you could probably use some fast, practical life-changing support.

I know I sure could have when I was going through the worst of the narcissistic abuse I survived. I was so lost. And shellshocked. I had no idea what deactivation strategies were, what exactly constituted triangulation, or what object constancy was. To learn about these concepts and all things narcissism, you can check out my new book in the link above or work with me directly.


I enrolled in dozens of classes on dark triad and attachment theory. And I read and listened to every single book in the world from across the globe on narcissism by "the experts."


I even worked with several coaches and joined dozens of groups, but I never found "the holy grail" of what I was seeking, —you know, one person who knew it all and could help me heal better, faster.


Some experts seemed like they hadn't fully healed, so how could they really help me? Others had no experience or knowledge of narcissistic abuse or terminology, including some licensed providers. That's how I know I can help you heal better, faster. This is a subject I'm so well-versed in, that I wrote a 600 page book "Healing Narcissism: The Dark Triad Theory of Scale."

tell me more about your situation.