book a session.

Choose a general appointment with Luminous Health Miami or a support session for rapid narcissistic abuse and true borderline recovery, both options which can be found below.

for luminous health miami appts.

I work with you to help you more rapidly become who it is you really desire to be, who you were always meant to be: body, mind, and spirit. I help you realize your most idealized self, starting with physical health, which greatly correlates to mental, emotional, and spiritual health. We all have a version of ourselves that exists in our mind's eyes, but I help you develop and become her. Are you ready to change, grow, and evolve into your highest and best self? It's a question only each woman can answer for herself, from the depth of her soul, but if you're truly ready, my purpose is to help facilitate the process to ensure your ultimate and sacred success.

for healing narcissism appts.

Heal better, heal faster. That's the goal, right? Let me help you rise like a phoenix from the ash with sobering but compassionate, life-changing, emotional, and conversational support from someone who's been there. What you really need is non-biased objectivity so you can immediately begin post-fallout course correction. This is the time to do whatever it takes to ensure the situation that brought you here never happens again.

Wherever you are in the process of picking up the pieces and resolving the trauma, I'm sincerely here for you. I'll help you get to the other side faster, where you'll see light at the end of the tunnel sooner. Learn how you can make smarter, more informed, and safer choices from a secure place going forward. Hone in on your intuition, and see and act on red flags, all while learning about the dynamics of attachment theory for more awareness and better quality relationships in the future.


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