is homeopathy a scam?!

ava rockwell homeopathy luminous health Apr 19, 2022

Homeopathy is a fascinating topic. Most people love and swear by it or swear it off completely, citing it as a sham. But have you tried it for yourself to see the results!? 

For the uninitiated, homeopathy is easily dismissed, at least in the United States, despite its credibility and popularity all throughout Europe.

I am a certified clinical homeopath specialist, and I can tell you that there is science to support homeopathy. Of interest is its capability to remineralize the teeth! It also works for the physical and the emotional body. 

There are different kinds of homeopathic remedies. Some are OTC, or over-the-counter, and others are said to be stronger, more pure, of pharmacuitcal-grade, prescription-strength. 

There are also comprehensive remedies (made up of different sources and varying strengths), while others are more simple, which I call 'singles' and made up of one element. 

Schedule a discovery call today to learn more!